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"So I gardened as I could, learning my few plants intimately, handling them, getting to know their likes and dislikes by smell and touch. "Book learning" gave me information, but only physical contact can give any real knowledge and understanding of a live organism. To have "green fingers" or a "green thumb" is an old expression which describes the art of communicating the subtle energies of LOVE to prosper a living plant. Gradually I came to recognise through idiosyncrasies of colour, texture, shape and habit the origin of a plant and its cultural needs..."

(The education of a gardener- Russel Page)


Questa sono io, presa dalla passione per arte e natura, piante e fiori, profumi ed essenze, poesie, animali, sole e luna...medicina naturale, meditazione.


Mi occupo della progettazione di giardini, spazi esterni in generale e allestimenti verdi per interni, hotel, uffici. Organizzo corsi di giardinaggio ed eventi per la promozione della cultura legata al giardino...

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